Monday, November 28, 2016

Origin of Roman Catholic Church – 31

Continuous from previous post -
Similarity in teachings of all-important religions we should note, as they are true guide lined for faithful to God, irrespective of religious distinctions.
Originally, Roman Catholic Church was not showing any importance to Mary, mother of Jesus but in due course, we see that Mary became as much important as Jesus or in many places; Mary became more important than Jesus did. We see many cathedrals in honor of Mary in them we see Jesus is shown to be a small child in her arms. To understand this phenomenon we have to see the history of Roman Church and origin of City of Rome. Roman mythology shows that Romulus and his brother Remus, founders of Rome, were born of a woman who was virgin.
The story so goes, their mother was Rhea Silvia, daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa. Before their conception, Numitor's brother Amulius seized power, killed Numitor's male heirs and forced Rhea Silvia to become a Vestal Virgin, sworn to chastity (virginity). However, it is believed that she became pregnant due to an angel lord Mars (god of war). Once the twins were born, Amulius had them abandoned to die in the Tiber River. They were saved by a series of miraculous interventions: the river carried them to safety, a prostitute by name Lupa found and suckled them, and a woodpecker (Picus) fed them. Subsequently a shepherd (Faustulus) and his wife found them and fostered them to manhood as simple shepherds. The twins, still ignorant of their true origins, proved to be natural leaders. Each acquired many followers. When they discovered the truth of their birth, they killed Amulius and restored Numitor to his throne. Rather than wait to inherit Alba Longa, they chose to establish a new city. Throughout their rise to power angels of Lord Mars, looked after them.
Romans accepted that mother of the founders of Rome as a Vestal Virgin deity and they were worshiping her as the Mother God. In course of time as Roman Church became Roman Catholic Church this concept of Mother God from erstwhile Roman Church was gradually introduced into Christianity by the Church. In place of Mother of founders of Rome, they put mother of Jesus and in this way cult of Virgin Mary worship, continued in this Church also. This cult of worshiping Mary is not found in other Churches. Practice of Nuns in Catholic Church comes from this Vestal Virgin practice of original Roman Church.
In Mathew's Gospel, we see how much importance Jesus gave to his mother.

Continues in the next post –
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