Monday, January 11, 2016

Differences in Hinduism and Brahmanism – 6

24. To understand the differences of Hinduism and Brahmanism we should also know the similarities with differences in the two religions at the ideological level. The common beliefs are enlisted below. Given below are similarities with variations and they are applicable to all Indian religions.

1. Belief in the rebirth of Atman.

2. Belief in after death existence of Atman in the form Pitar (manes) and formation of Pishatch (Apparition) of the Atman shrouded by the Lingdeha.

3. Belief in return of the deeds of the individual to its soul either in the same life or in next births. This is called Karmavipak (कर्मविपाक) effect. Good deeds return with good and bad with bad. Return of these effects is based on the intensity of the deed. Intensely done deed returns more quickly than less intensely done deed. Some return in the same life other lesser intense return in next birth. The concept of luck is based on this belief. Those who have done bad deeds suffer, in accordance to that deed, some problems in the next or subsequent births. Similarly good deed return with good happenings in next or subsequent births. This belief explains why all people do not have same type of life? Some enjoy good life while other suffer from miseries. By helping unfortunate ones one can add to his/her luck in the next birth and that is why all Hindus/Brahmans are supposed to help the unfortunate ones.

4. Belief in three basics of life and they are Jiva, Atman and Lingdeha. Here we see a difference of interpretation, Shakta view says that Jiva is part of the body and it is an intelligence that serves four basic need of the body namely, to protect, feed, reproduce and relaxation (rest) for the body. Modern science calls it a chemical intelligence. The functioning of Jiva is independent of Atman. Vedic (Brahmanic) view differs by saying that Jiva and Atman are one and not two different entities. They call it Jivatma.

Shakta view about Lingdeha is also different from that of the Brahman, and that is; Lingdeha is the sum total effect of all the previous lives those that Atman lived and remains attached to Atman continuously getting updated per every life. Lingdeha provides advise, suggestions and some times guidance to Atman in its present life with the Jiva of that body. Lingdeha also holds the good and bad of that Atman (carries effects of passion or Karmavipak) and passes it on to the present Jiva. Shakta believes that Lingdeha keeps updating during the life by the influence of Jiva of that body. As the individual dies, Atman leaves the body along with the latest updated Lingdeha and stays in the Pitru-Loka. Brahman says, Lingdeha is a constant entity and keeps with the Atman and that represents the Ahankar (Alter Ego) of the Atman. Lingdeha continues to exist in a form of micro body which surrounds Atman.

5. Because of Lingdeha that continues with Atman, a man is always reborn as a man and a woman is always a woman. Since the sex is indicator of the Lingdeha sex and not of Atman as Atman has no sex.

6. Moksha is complete obliteration of Lingdeha from Atman. After this stage is reached Atman does not take rebirth. Here again there is a measure difference of interpretation; Shakta believe that only a human being has Atman and all other living beings are having only Jiva and no Atman. Whereas Brahman believe that all living beings have Atman and so one more difference is noticed in these two religions and that is; Shakta (the original Manav dharma) say a human will be born as always a human and no body else but Brahman say according to the Karma a human being of this birth may be reborn as a dog or a horse or whatever.

Shakta cult has a well developed tradition in Ghost and spirit management (that section is known as Aghori, mysticism) and in that it says, only a human can be in ghost form and no other creature turns into ghost after its demise. This is obviously because only humans have Atman. A ghost is Atman with attached Lingdeha. The Aghori discipline explains; you will never find a ghost of a dog or cat or horse or a plant. In Yoga practice they say only human can raise the Kundalini (Serpent power) because only humans have Atman in active form. Whereas other creatures have it in a dormant form or as good as non-existent.

Differences & similarities in Hinduism and Brahmanism continues in the next post

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